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two doors they saw open; the third door was closed, that towards Cornwall. 'See yon- der', said Manawydan, 'the door we must not open'. And that night they were without stint, and were joyful. And notwithstand- ing all the sorrows they had seen before their eyes, and notwithstanding that they had themselves suffered, there came to them no remembrance either of that or of any sorow in the world. And there they passed the fourscore years so that they were not aware of having ever spent a time more joyous and delightful than that. It was not more irk- some than when they came there, nor could they tell by his fellow that it was so long a time. yn ail, darn bywiocach: He made for Caer Aranrhod, and the boy with him. After he had come to the court, Aranrhod arose to meet h;m, to make hini welcome and to give him greeting. 'God prosper thee', said he. 'What is the boy that follows thee?' said she. 'This boy is a son of thine', said he. 'Alas, man What came over thee to put me to shame, and Aberystwyth. THE HYMNS OF ANN GRIFFITHS, translaled into English by R. R. Williams, Utica. Gwasg y Brython. 1/6. Ymgais sydd yn y gyfrol ftchan hon i gyf- lwyno emynau y ferch o Ddolwar Fechan i ddarllenwyr o Saeson yn eu hiaith eu hunain, ac oherwydd hynny efallai mai Sais uniaith yn unig a allai'n deg fesur Uwyddaint y gwaith. Hawdd gweled mai hoffter yr awdur at yr emynau hyn yw'r symbyliad i'w ymdrech. Eithr cydiodd mewn gorchwyl anodd, a hynny am o leiaf ddau reswm: (1) I Gymru y perthyn Ann Griffiths, ac ni all neb werthfawrogi ei hemynau'n llawn ond yng ngohuni hanes a nodweddion cenedl y Cymry. (2) Cwbl amhosibl yw cyfleu mewn iaith arall rin a rhythmau Cymraeg yr emynau a dda"|h bellach yn rhan ohonom. Clywson wr yn ddiweddar yn dadlau dros gadw'r Gymraeg yn fyw "er mwyn medru mwynhau emynau Ann GrilTiths," ac yr oedd ei awgrym yn berffaith iawn, sef mai trwy'r iaith Gymraeg yn unig y to pursue my shame, and keep it as long as this?' 'Unless thou suffer a quarter shame than that I should rear a boy as fine as this, a small thing thy shame will be'. 'What is thy son's name?' asked she. 'Faith', he said, 'there is as yet no name to him.' 'Well', said she, T will swear on him a destiny, that he shall not get a name till he get it from me'. 'By my confession to God', said he, 'thou art a wicked woman, but the boy shall have a name, even though it be vexatious to thee. And thou', said he, 'tis because of him thou art angry, ioi that thou art not called maiden. Nevei again shalt thou be called maiden!' And thereupon he went away in wrath, and made for Caer Dathyl, and there he was that night. Ni chaiff prynwr y gyfrol hon yr un ysblan- der ffurf-y papur a rhwymiad costus, yr argraffwaith ardderchog, a'r lluniau heirdd- ag a geir yn yr argraffiad cyntaf, ond caiff gyfieithiad diwygiedig a rhagair sydd wedi ei ad-drefnu a'i ehangu a'i gyfoethogi ag aml ychwanegiad diddorol. Ni fydd ganddo achos i genfigennu'n ormodol wrth berchennog ffodus yr argraffiad arall. H. IDRIS BELL. gellir myned i mewn i gyfriniach ac ystyr y rhain. Pe bai'r cyfieithydd, felly, wedi llwyddo yn eithriadol i gyfleu syniadau ac athrawiaeth yi emynau hyn i drwch y blewyn, anodd credu wedyn y gwelai cynulleidfa o Saeson fawr o werth ynddynt; e.e. gwyddom oll am y gwefr a deimlwyd gan lawer cynulleidfa wrth ganu: Dyma babell y Cyfarfod, Dyma gymod yn y gwaed. Ond prin y gallem feddwl am gynulleidfa yn unman yn teimlo'r un gwefr wrth ganu: Here is found a Tabernacle, Here appeasement in the blood. er bod y cyfieithiad yn un digon cywir a ffydd- lon. Rhaid cydnal)od hefyd, fel y gellir disgwyl, na lwyddodd y cyfieithydd bob tro fel y gwnaeth gyda'r cwpled uchod. Wrth drosi'n