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RESEARCH The Bulletin of the Institute of Research I Edited by P K O'Brien and Joyce M Horn I Historical Research is one of the leading British historical journals. It publishes the work of established historians, and also aims to encourage young historians. The journal's articles exploit new sources, examine familiar sources in new ways, or re-examine received views in the light of fresh evidence. Recent articles include: The valuation of the ecclesiastical benefices in 1291-2 J.H. Denton The Scottish party in English parliaments, 1640-2 Conrad Russell The rise of the fiscal state in England 1485-1815 Patrick K. O'Brien & Philip Hunt A.J. Balfour's secret coalition talks memorandum 1910 G.R. Searle ORDER FORM HISTORICAL RESEARCH Subscription Rates, Volume 67, 1994 ISSN 0950-3471 Individuals £ 18.50 UK/Europe,$34.00 N America*, £ 23.00 Rest of World Institutions £ 35.00 UK/Europe,$66.00 N America*, £ 44.00 Rest of World Published three times a year 'Canadian customers please add 7% GST □ Please enter my subscription/send me a sample copy □ I enclose a cheque/money order payable to Basil Blackwell □ Please charge my American Express/Diners Club/Mastercard/Visa account number Expiry Date Signature Date Name Address Postcode E-Mail Address: jnlsamplesOcix.compulink.co.uk (Please Include the name of the journal) Payment must accompany orders Please return this form to: Journals Marketing, Blackwell Publishers, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1JF, England. Or to: Journals Marketing, HISR, Blackwell Publishers, 238 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA. Publishers Oxford, UK and USA