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0 1 Historical Research The Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research Edited by Patrick K. O'Brien and Joyce Horn Historical Research is a leading British journal, publishing articles mainly on British and European history from the middle ages to the twentieth century. It aims to explore and examine new sources and question received ideas in the light of fresh evidence. As well as publishing the work of established historians, it also encourages and assists young historians with the publication of their first research articles. ORDER FORM HISTORICAL RESEARCH Subscription Rates, Volume 69, 1996 ISSN 0950-3471 Institutional Rates, £ 41.00 (UK-Europe),$84.00 (N. America*), £ 52.00 (Rest of World) Personal Rates, £21.00 (UK-Europe),$42.00 (N. America*), £26.00 (Rest of World) Published in: February, June and October culamers pleses add 7% GST Q Please enter my subscription/send me a sample copy o I endose a cheque/money order payable 10 Blodkell Publishers Q Please charge my American Express/Diners Qub/Mastercard/Visa account Card Number Expiry Date Signature Dote. Name Address Payment must occompany orders Please return this form to: Journals Marketing, Blackwell Publishers, 108 Cowley Rood, Oxford, 0X4 UF, UK. Or to: Journals Marketing, HISR, BlockweH Publishers, 238 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA. Internet APPLY FORYOUR EREE SAMPLE COPY BY E-MAIL!