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THE SCOTTISH HISTORICAL REVIEW THE SCOTTISH HISTORICAL REVIEW is the premier journal in the field of Scottish Historical Studies. It covers all periods of Scottish history from the early to the modem, and encourages a variety of historical approaches. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Volume 75, 1996 ISSN 0036-9241 Two issues a year April and October Individuals: Institutions: UK and EC £17.50 UK and EC £ 35 Overseas £ 19 Overseas £ 38 N. America$3250 N. America $65 HOW TO ORDER Return this form with your payment to: Kathryn MacLean, journals Dept, Edinburgh University Press Ltd, 22 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LF, Tel: 0131 650 4223, Fax: 0131 662 0053, Email: Kathryn.MacLean@ed.ac.uk o Please enter my subscription to Scottish Historical Review, Volume 75, 1 996 I am interested in subscribing to SHR, please send me a free sample copy enclose a cheque (made payable to Edinburgh University Press Ltd) Please debit my VBA/Mastercard Account no: Name Address Postcode Country