CHURCH, PROPERTY, AND CONFLICT IN WALES, AD 600-1100 JEER LANDAVENSIS, or the Book of Liandaf (National Library of Wales viS 1711 OE), that most important-but notoriously problematic- ource for medieval Welsh history, continues to exercise the minds of its tudents. Even after more than a century of serious scholarly ittention-from J. G. Evans and John Rhys, Alfred Anscombe, E. D. ones, and James Conway Davies, to Christopher Brooke, J. W. James, Vendy Davies, Molly Miller, Daniel Huws, K. L. Maund, and Patrick Sims-Williams—the Book is still throwing out tantalizing questions, ind remains a stumbling block to many who would attempt to answer hem.2 I The standard edition is J. Gwenogvryn Evans and J. Rhys (eds.), The Text of the look ofLlan Ddv (Oxford, 1893; revised edn., Aberystwyth, 1979). 2 See A. Anscombe, 'Landavensium ordo chartarum', Celtic Review, VI 1909-10), 123-9, 272-7, 289-95, and VII (1911-12), 63-7; E. D. Jones, 'The took of Llandaff', National Library of Wales Journal, IV (1945-46), 123-57; James Conway Davies, Episcopal Acts and Cognate Documents Relating to Welsh Dioceses, '066-1272 (2 vols, Cardiff, 1946-48); C. N. L. Brooke, 'The Archbishops of St )avids, Llandaff, and Caerleon-on-Usk', in Nora K. Chadwick (ed.), Studies in the larly British Church (Cambridge, 1958), pp. 201-42, reissued in revised form in his look, The Church and the Welsh Border in the Central Middle Ages (Woodbridge, 986), pp. 16-49; J. W James, 'The church and see of Llandav and their critics', rournal of the Historical Society of the Church in Wales, XIV (1959), 5-22, and Chronology in the Book of Llan Dav, 500-900', National Library of Wales Journal, (VI (1968-9), 123-31, in particular; John Morris [Review of Nora K. Chadwick ed.), Studies in the Early British Church], Welsh History Review, I (1960-3), 229-32 reprinted in his Arthurian Sources, 6 vols [Chichester, 1995], VI 175-8), idumbrating the approach taken by Wendy Davies, An Early Welsh Microcosm. Studies n the Llandaff Charters (London, 1978), and The Llandaff Charters (Aberystwyth, 979)—her two main works on this subject (for articles see n. 8, below); D. Huws, The making of Liber Landavensis', National Library of Wales Journal, XXV (1986-7), 33-66; K. L. Maund, Ireland, Wales and England in the Eleventh Century Woodbridge, 1991), pp. 183-206, and 'Wales, England, and Ireland in the eleventh