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The Journal of Women's History, edited by Leila Rupp, is the journal of record for the field of women's history and provides the best narrative and synthetic examples of historical work on women. Each issue includes abstracts of books and a topical bibliography of periodical literature based on a survey of over 700 periodicals. Special Issue on Chinese Women Spring 1997 Emily Honig, EDITOR Ruth Rogaski: "Urban Violence, Confucian Refuge: 'The Hall for Spreading Benevolence' as Women's Shelter, 1877-1928" Su Zheng: "Heroine's Voice/Victimized Body: Women's Paradoxical Identities in Chinese Songs, 1900-1930" Dorothy Ko: "The Body as Attire: Footbinding and the Boundaries of Alterity in Seventeenth-Century China" Ann Waltner and Pi-ching Hsu: "Lingering Fragrance: The Poetry of Tu Yaose and Shen Tiansun" Wang Zheng: "Research on Women in Contemporary China" Susan Mann: "The History of Chinese Women Before the Age of Orientalism" Price:$14.95 Also Available: Irish Women's History $5.00 Central and Eastern European Women $5.00 Suscriptions (4 issues a year) • Individuals,$35.00 • Institutions,$68.00 Foreign surface post:$12.50 Single issues Shipping and handling:$3.00 for the first,$1.00 each additional Send orders to Journals Division, Indiana University Press, 601 N. Morton, Bloomington, IN 47404; fax to 812-855-8507; phone to 812-855-9449; or e-mail to journals@in- diana.edu VISit our Web site at http:www.indiana.edu/iupress