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Parliamentary History Volume 20 2001 3 issues per year 0264-2824 Editor: Clyve Jones Institute of Historical Research, London worth the subscription of any scholar interested in the history of parliament.' The Times Higher Educational Supplement Parliamentary History provides a forum for current research and general interest articles covering the history of parliamentary institutions in the British Isles (including the Scottish and Irish Parliaments) from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century. The journal also encompasses legislatures of British colonies before independence, their origin, development and historical importance. Special issue 2001: The Irish Parliament in the Eighteenth Century: The Long Apprenticeship Edited by D W Hayton, Queen's University, Belfast (0 7486 1511 3) £ 16.95 Visit our website to find out more www.eup.ed.ac.uk Order Form Parliamentary History □ Please enter my subscription to Parliamentary History Volume 20, 2001 ISSN 0264-2824 Individuals Institutions □ UK and EC £ 42.00 □ UK and EC £ 95.00 □ North America$85.00 □ North America$170.00 □ Rest of World £ 47.00 □ Rest of World £ 100.00 Surface postage is included in the subscription. Please add £5/$10 for airmail delivery. o Please send me a free sample copy Name Address Post/zip code 0 I enclose a cheque made payable to Edinburgh University Press o Please debit my Visa/Mastercard Card No. Signature Exp date Edinburgh University Press, 22 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LF (+44) 131 650 6207 Fax: (+44) 131 662 0053 www.eup.ed.ac.uk