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the first half of this century. The result was that Sir Bryner possessed undoubtedly the best archaeological background of any of our mem- bers-a most fitting qualification for the chairmanship of an anti- quarian society. At the same time he never allowed his office duties to cut him off from the life of the countryside. He took the greatest interest in the everyday affairs of the farmers and especially in all that appertained to the history and background of rural life. He was President and a life-long supporter of the Royal Welsh Agricultural Show and in this way associated himself with the best that Wales could produce agriculturally. Even after his retirement from the post of Secretary of the Welsh Department of the Ministry of Agriculture he continued to give further valuable service as Chairman of the Welsh Land Sub-Commission, whose offices were also located in Aber- ystwyth. Members of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society will remember Sir Bryner not only for his wide academic and professional knowledge but also for dignity of his manner and bearing. He was endowed with a fine presen and spoke well in both English and Welsh. In this way he was the idea airman of the Society, on its field excursions and in the lecture hall. Equ important was the fact that he had a vast experience as a committee chairman in connection with his numerous public duties and the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society will always be deeply grateful to him for the great services he rendered to it as Chairman of its Executive Committee throughout a difficult period in its history. His great knowledge of procedure, his wisdom, and his unfailing courtesy were admired by all. The Society will miss him greatly. It is no overstatement to say that he is irreplacable. This is due not only to the unusual combination of academic, personal, and administrative qualities he possessed, but also to the fact that men of his calibre and standing are becoming less prominent in local societies. This is, of course, due largely to the fact that we are entering a period when the study of local history and antiquities is becoming less the concern of local voluntary and en- thusiastic bodies such as ours and more the concern of specialists and national organisations. Whatever will be the future of the Cardigan- shire Antiquarian Society we are certain that throughout its long and interesting annals no one has served it more loyally or with greater ability than Sir Cadwaladr Bryner Jones. E. G. BOWEN.