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Mr. Houlder, to provide two cross-sections at right angles, each one involving the excavation of one portion of the ditch and bank complex, and the whole diameter of the central area in one case. At the same time this method would give a fair chance of discovering the primary interment, and also any features concerned with the setting out of the barrow and the procedure of burial.' In the second place, the grave goods must be studied not by themselves alone but in relation to the totality of such phenomena known to exist. Of Part II of his report the leader says The present article is an assessment of the structure and its grave goods in relation to similar monuments and relics else- where in Britain, more particularly in Wales'. It was by making comparative studies of this kind that the excavators were able to show that the Penrhyncoch pottery was not a degenerate type found in the west but rather a stage in the development of a local group who looked to the North for its inspiration'. Then, finally, the reports of the outside technical experts are not forgotten- It is regretted that the reports on botanical and soil specimens promised for this article have not come to hand. Any significant facts arising from them will be reported later.' Thus, the wheel in Cardiganshire has turned full circle from Antiquarianism to Archaeology in the space of a single generation. The Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society does rightly on this auspicious occasion to think back over its first half century of existence and also to look forward to the future. The last fifty years have witnessed an enormous development in our ability to handle the non-recorded history of our own homeland. May we look forward with ever in- creasing interest to what the next half century has in store for us at the hands of the archaeologist. University College of Wales, E. G. BOWEN. Aberystwyth.