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Tythegston, Mid Glamorgan (SS 857 788) In June 1995, Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to assess the archaeological potential of land in the hamlet of Tythegston, Mid Glamorgan. The study involved a desk-based assessment of documentary, cartographic, photographic, archaeological and historical record covering an area of approximately 1 km. around the hamlet. The present form of Tythegston probably originated in the thirteenth century when it became the seat of the Turbervilles, but an earlier origin cannot be discounted, for an eleventh-century cross is to be found in St Tudwg's churchyard. The hamlet is set in a landscape which contains evidence of prehistoric activity and Iron Age/Romano-British settlement. Although it is possible that pre- medieval occupation could have existed within the hamlet itself, the assessment did not identify such remains. It had been postulated that Tythegston has contracted in size since the medieval period. However, it seems more likely that the reverse is true and that the hamlet was originally a small foundation, attached to the Turberville family and centred around the chapel, and expanded after the English Civil War (1642-6). Current research seems to indicate that Tythegston served as a settlement for the labourers on the estate of the major landholder of the area, which were successively the families of the Turbervilles, Loughers and Knights, who occupied Tythegston Court. The relative prosperity of the hamlet fluctuated with the fortunes of its noble families; rising from the 1640s to its peak in the mid-nineteenth century, but since then the population has declined. Many of the present structures are of post-medieval and modern date and represent the later expansion of the hamlet. As such it is unlikely, though not impossible, that earlier settlement could occur outside the present confines of the hamlet. However, areas in the core of the hamlet, particularly near the church and to the south of Tythegston Court, could contain evidence related to the medieval origin of settlement and would be worthwhile investigating if the opportunity arose. Wessex Archaeology Cefn Hirgoed, Mid Glamorgan (SS9179 8318) A watching brief was undertaken for Dwr Cymru as part of attendant works on the construction of a new trunk water main. A deep pocket of peat was revealed and two vertical monoliths, representing the full depth of the pear profile, were taken. These samples have undergone pollen analysis by Dr M. Walker (Saint David's University College, Lampeter), with sub-samples from the monoliths