Welsh Journals

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THE JOURNAL or THK Welsh Bibliographical Society VOL. II. JANUARY, 1921. No. 5. EDITORIAL NOTES. The greatly increased cost of production in the printing, as in all other trades, taxes the resources of a Society with a small annual subscription. In spite of this, an effort will be made to bring out at least two numbers of the JOURNAL each year, and to publish practical contributions to Welsh bibliography. The present issue contains the first portion of a scheme for a list of Welsh books from the year 1546 to 1700, to be extended later until the list covers the period from the beginning down to 1900 or even later. In order to keep the scheme within practicable limits, the list is confined to books in the Welsh language, or such as have a substantial portion in Welsh. Some restriction is necessary. When the proposal now put forward has been carried to completion, a larger scheme to include books about Wales, or by Welsh authors, and books printed in Wales, may be undertaken. The lists must obviously be incomplete when first printed. They are put forward as a basis to which all members of the Society, and indeed any who can do so, are invited to make additions to be printed in succeeding numbers of the JOURNAL. Such a survey of the whole