Dominican Bishops of S. Asaph BY The Rev. WALTER GUMBLEY, O.P.1 SEVERAL Dominicans became bishops of St. Asaph besides Schonaw, i.e: Hugh, 1235-40; Alexander Bache, 1390-94; and Thomas Bird was appointed, but did not obtain possession, a certain Thomas being appointed and con- secrated in his stead. It seems certain, however, that none of them were friars of Rhuddlan. The first, Hugh, was elected bishop of St. Asaph, February 4th, 1235, which election was confirmed by King Henry, April 11th (1235). He was consecrated June 17th (1235). As it appears he was elected by chapter, there is reason to suppose he was already well known in North Wales, and this only 14 years after the entry of his order into England in 1221. Had he anything to do with the foundation of Rhuddlan, we do not know. He died 1240. 1 The Bev. Father Walter Gumbley, O.P., (Ordo Prsdicatorum or Dominician Order of Preachers) sent from his residence in Louvain in Belgium this and the two following MSS. to the Editor prior to July, 1914, explaining that his work in connection with Louvain University had prevented his doing so earlier. He had previously written the Editor that he had read the newspaper account of the Society's excursion to Bhnddlan in the Autumn of 1918, and was much interested, as he had made a study of the history of Rhuddlan, although he had never visited it, but he hoped to do so if he ever came to England. The Editor then asked him to contribute a few notes for the Society's Journal, and eventually he sent these papers. In consequence, however, of the war and the sacking of Louvain, the proofs have not had the advantage of the Author's corrections. —ED.