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accounts for the preceding financial year; the election of the Council and such other business as may be specified in the notice calling the meeting. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary upon the direction of the Council or upon the receipt by the Secretary of a requisition signed by not less than 10 members, which requisition shall specify the business it is proposed to transact at such meeting. At least fourteen days notice shall be given of any General Meeting of the Club. At any General Meeting, the President, or if he is not present a Vice-President, or if he is not present the Chairman of Council, or if he is not present a person elected by such General Meeting for the purpose, shall preside. (7) Amendments to the Constitution Any amendments of or addition to this Constitution shall be effected only by a resolution adopted at a duly convened general meeting of the Club. Notice of motion for any such amendment or addition must be given in writing to the Hon. Secretary of Club not later than 21 days before that meeting. Any such revision must be supported by two thirds of the members present, and the supporters shall not be fewer than 24 in number. No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which would cause the Club to cease to be a charity at law. (8) Dissolution of the Club On the dissolution of the Club, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, shall be paid to such institution having charitable objects similar to those of the Powysland Club.