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repeated. I was very interested to hear from my daughter that when she was travelling recently on the Austrian border, she saw a similar dance being performed. Of course, we joined in any work or play that was taking place, from helping to unload the cargo of a boat, beached in the Outer Quay, to harvest homes at the farms. We also spent much time in, or on the water. Billy Gibbs and Captain Hopkins were often glad of the assistance of two or three pairs of arms in pulling a heavy boat across the bay, to salve floating timber or other wreckage. One of the first trips I remember was to Oxwich Point when we loaded up with silica bricks from some old wreck. We helped too in the difficult task of raising the mooring chains of the ill-fated Agnes Jack." On one occasion, when we were rowing across the bay, Billy called out in astonishment that he could see an eel swimming with its head out of the water; it proved to be not an eel, but an adder. I have taken many strange things from the sea, but never an adder, before or since. It can only be supposed that it had crawled down to the rocks and had been cut off by the tide. People sometimes say to me, I suppose Gower was quite unspoilt in those days." There have been changes of course. At that time there were no visitors or holiday-makers pleasures and pursuits were more simple and more natural. But Gower, to those who know and love it, remains in essence exactly the same. My grand-children now camp on the spots where I used to camp, and I know they get as much happiness from it as we did in those far-off days of which I write. Harold Perkins. Tflinchin Wole Excavations 1952 THE 1952 season's work on the excavation of this site has seen the completion of the first stage of the undertaking which began in 1946. Those areas within the cave which were occupied by native peoples during the first five centuries A.D. have now been delimited. Three of these hearth areas existed, clearly indicated by layers of charcoal, burnt stones, large quantities of bones (chiefly of domestic animals), shellfish, broken remains of pottery vessels, a scatter of lost and damaged implements, personal ornaments and coins. The examination of over 100 tons of cave deposits was necessary during the excavation of these areas but the mass of finds has been substantial and in quantity exceeds that of any native site of its period yet excavated in Wales. The 1952 excavations, directed by Mr. E. J. Mason and the writer, produced further pottery, a Roman coin, a bone needle and the ornamental bronze handle of a Roman key. The latter was probably used as a pendant or decoration. Stage II of the excavations will commence next year with the examination of pre-Roman deposits and an attempt will be made to penetrate to the original cave floor. y G. Rutter.