Welsh Journals

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To Interim Dividend at the rate of 18 per cent. per annum, less Income Tax, paid 14th July, 1923 745,328 0 1 Dividend at the rate of 18 per cent. per annum, less Income Tax, payable 1st February, 1924 757,544 9 2 „ Reserve for Future Contingencies 300,000 0 0 „ Bank Premises Redemption Fund 400,000 0 0 Balance carried forward to next Account 797,069 1 6 R. McKENNA, Chairman. W. G BRADSHAW. S. CHRISTOPHERSON, MILNER, Director, REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE MIDLAND BANK LIMIrED. In accordance with the provisions of Sub-section 2 of Section 115 of the Companies (Consolidation) Act. 1908, we report as follow. We have examined the above Balance Sheet in detail with the Books at Head Office and with the certified Returns from the Branches. We have satisfied ourselves asto the correctness of the Coin. Bank and Currency Notes and Balances with the Bank of E lglatvi. Balances with, and Cheques in course of Collection on other Banks in Great Britain and Ireland and Bills Discounted, and have verified the correctness of the Money at Call and Short Notice. We have alsa verified the Securities representing the Investments of the Bank, and having obtained all the information and explanations we have required, we are of opinion that such Balance Sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the Company's affairs according to the best of our information and the explanations given to us and as shown by the Books of the Company. Lomdos, 14th January, 1924. WHINNEY, SMITH & WHINNEY, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Auditors BELFAST BANKING COMPANY LIMITED THE LONDON CITY & MIDLAND EXECUTOR & TRUSTEE CO. LTD. University College of North Wales, BANGOR. (A Constituent College of the University of Wales) PRINCIPAL SIR HARRY R. REICHEL. M.A., LL.D. The Session opens in October. Intending Students are strongly recommended to apply for entry forms at once, and in any case not later than 17th September. The College courses are arranged with reference to the Degrees of the University of Wales; they include most of the subjects for the B.Sc., degree of the University of London. Students may pursue first year of medical study at the College. There are special departments for Agriculture, Forestry, Electrical Engineering and Music, and a department for the training of Elementary, Secondary and Kindergarten teachers. The New Faculty of Theology was opened in 1922. For further information and copies of the various Prospectuses apply to W. P. WHELDON, Secretary and Registrar. A s. d. £ 2,999,939 10 9 A s. d. By Balance from last Account 788,967 4 6 Net Profits for the year ended 31st December, 1923, full provision having been made for Rebate, Expenses and all Bad and Doubtful Debts 2,210,972 6 3 22,999,939 10 9 Deputy Chairmen. > Joint Managing ) Directors, F. HYDE, E. W. WOOLLEY, AFFILIATIONS: THE CLYDESDALE BANK LIMITED University College of Wales, Aberystwyth Principal: JOHN HUMPHREYS DAVIES. M.A.. Oxon. The Session begins in September. Lectures commence early in October. Entrance Scholar- ships and Exhibitions, open to both male and female candidates above the age of 16, are offered for competition at the commencement of the Session. Students are prepared for Degrees in Arts, Science (including the Applied Science of Agriculture), Law and Music. Men students reside in Registered Lodgings in the town, or at the Men's Hostel. Women Students reside in the Halls of Resid- ence for Women. For full particulars apply to the General Secretary.