Welsh Journals

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All the forms were re-typed into common format; black and white prints were glued on to the front of each one so that the address was easily recognisable. Contact print size was felt to be too small for our purposes and finally twice contact print size was chosen2. When this enormous task had been completed three photocopies were made. These were bound by Gwent County Council and deposited at Abergavenny Library, Newport Reference Library, and Gwent County Record Office. The 'master' copy, in which the individual forms are in plastic folders is kept at Abergavenny Museum. With this format additional information can be added to each property file at any time. An annual survey of changed businesses is added each year by the museum. The whole survey took rather longer than anticipated due mainly to the fact that most of the dozen people involved had full-time work and numerous other commitments. It was felt by all to be a very worthwhile enterprise and one which has already been consulted by a number of researchers. As the years go by and Abergavenny continues to change, its value will be appreciated more and more. REFERENCES 1. It should be explained that the Welsh Office list properties only be address and the cursary descriptions are meant only as an extra and should not be regarded as a full architectural report. 2. All the photographic printing was done by Mr. Roger Jones from negatives taken by Mr. Philip Riden, both of whom we thank.