Welsh Journals

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BIOLOGICAL & GEOLOGICAL SECTION. REPORT FOR THE 16TH SESSION, 1902-3. COMMITTEE: The PRESIDENT and HON. SECRETARY of the C.N.S. (ex-oflbcio). T. H. THOMAS, R.C.A., President. A. F. DIXON, Sc.D., M.B. W. W. PETTIGREW. A. H. Trow, D.Sc., F.L.S. J. J. NEALE,Hon. Sees, for Field Walks. T. W. PROGER, Secs.for Field Walks. T. W. ROGER, W. N. PARKER, PH.D., Hon. Sec. The number of members on the books is 47. Six ordinary meetings have been held during the Session, with an average attendance of 16·4. Owing to the change of date of the Annual Meeting to the end instead of at the beginning of the Winter Session, the Report on Field-Walks will be furnished by the Hon. Secretaries at a later date. The Annual Meeting was held on May 21st, 1903. The following papers were read during the Session October, 24, 1902. D. R. PATERSON, M.D. (President C.N.S.), Routes of Bird-migration," illustrated by lantern slides. November 20. WENTWORTH H. PRICE, Mountain-climbing," illustrated by lantern slides and photographs. December 17. J. E. CAMPBELL-TAYLOR, Insects and their Metamorphoses," illustrated by lantern slides.